Kvaszinger Winery

Description / History

Det er noget af historie, hvordan Kvaszinger erhvervede deres vinmarker. Bedstefaren til den nuværende ejer Lászlo var en klog mand. i 1929 arbejdede bedstefaderen for en baron i vinområdet Tokaj. En nat mistede baronen de penge han havde med sig, beruset i et spil kort. Han bad en steward om at bringe ham flere penge - men der var ikke nok tilbage kisten. Han nævnte dog, at Lászlos bedstefar var klar til at købe 4 hektar vingård, og kunne betale kontant.
Den berusede Baron tøvede kort, men gik med til tilbuddet.

Today Lászlo and the Kvaszinger Family owns 8,5 hectares of land. They grow 3 types of grapes: Furmint, Hársleveű and Sárgamuskotály

We have two product categories. The basic items (Tokaj Dry, Sárgamuskotály, Late harvest) are reductive ones and are made in stainless steel tanks. Our goal with these products to make easily understandable wines for a wide amount of consumers. These wines have fresh-friuty, easy drinking stlye that fits for every day.

The other product category is for premium wines, which are made for winelovers who are looking for high quality products.

Tokaj wine is fantastic, so are Lászlo’s wines. Enjoy


Kvaszinger ‘Relique’ Aszú
2019 Decanter World Wine Awards: Gold medal
2019 Vinagora international wine competition: Gold medal
2019 Hungarian national wine competition: Gold medal

Kvaszinger Superior Furmint
Sommelier Wine Awards 2020: Silver medal