Amarone: Traditional vs Modern Method

Before going into the two methods let’s determine the difference between Amarone and Amarone Riserva.
Amarone Classico: the requirements are 2 years before potentially released.
Amarone Riserva: required to age 4 years before release.
Many producers age their wines longer, simply because they don’t want to release the wines until deemed ready.
Rule of thumb is that Amarone wines should age for 10-15 years, or even longer, to develop the flavours you are expecting.

So, the longer the wines have aged before released of consumed the better. Now, the methodology applied to make the wine is important when selecting your Amarone.

Apassimento/traditionel metode.I henhold til reglerne skal DOCG-vine være baseret på vine, der er tørret/rasineret druer hvor minimum 40% af vandet i druen er udtørret. De er enten på tørret på stativer eller måtter. De rosinerede druer presses derefter og gæres ved lave temperaturer - langsom gæring. De lavere temperaturer betyder længere gæring. Det kan tage op til 50 dage for gæringen at fuldført.
Cirka 6 måneder efter høst begynder lagringen på fade - eg eller kastanje.
De mest almindelige druer er Corvina, Rondinella og Corvinone.

Du kan opbevare denne vin i 20 år og vente på, at den når potentiale, eller dekantere i et par timer og nyde den nu.

Moderne Metode. Det handler om at bruge teknologi til at tørre druerne hurtigere ved hjælp af temperaturkontrol og fugtkontrollerede rum. Lagring er også i nye fade, som tilføjer smag af melasse, vanilje og chokolade. På grund af den manglende syre i disse vine ældes de ikke så godt som vine baseret på Apassimento-metoden.

On theCoWine platform we have 2 great traditional winemakers using the Apassimento Method for their Amarone wines;
Tenuta Santa Maria alla Pieve, the Godfather of Amarone wine.
Bonazzi Badin Winery, Classic Valpolicella, Ripasso and Amarone
Both wineries offer Amarone Riserva DOCG

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Did you know that ALEMAT means >He is crazy< in the Piemontese dialect (A l'é Mat)? It is also the first 3 letters of Alessandro and Matteo. The 2 sons of owners Elisabetta and Savio.The story started back in eighties where Savio was dreaming of his own winery. In 2012 Elisabetta and Savio decided to change their life to achieve their common goal. Among the vines the family works with a local expert winegrower, while they got one of the best enologists in Italy working with them in the cellar. ALEMAT is located in Ponzano Monferrato, a historical sub-region in Piedmonte. The estate is organic and sustainable. Equipment has been installed around the estate to

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